It's All Vanilla

An ISBI Legacy

Jeremy Vanilla: Chapter 12


06-02-17_7-20-45 PM

The crops were selling fast over at the market, and I know I am close. In fact…



“I think…” I take a deep breath, a part of me doesn’t want to admit this, but it’s been long coming, and I know this was what she—no we—want. “I think if this crop sells like it’s been, I think we will have the money for the house.”

She screams. She screams and jumps in circles, and I can only laugh.

06-02-17_7-22-05 PM

When I get her to calm down, she jumps into my arms. “I am so proud of you, Jeremy! So proud. You did it!”

“We did it. You’re just as much apart of this journey.”

“Fifty-thousand, though. We saved so much.”

“I know.”

“I’m going to go pack. I’m going to call mom. I can’t believe it!”

She runs off, so excited.

06-02-17_7-22-20 PM

A part of me hates that she’s leaving. It was planned out. We talked it over the past few months. When the contractors get here, she’s going to stay with her parents while I look over the building of our house. My heart hurts just thinking about her leaving. I don’t want her to go, but she doesn’t want to be in the way. I don’t blame her.

Still, I’m worried. Will she return? Am I doing this for nothing?

06-07-17_12-54-27 PM

Nearly a month has passed, and the house is built. Now, I just wait. Siobhan said she’d be here today, and I am still waiting. Gods, she better have not left me.

Author: orangeplumbob

When I'm not blogging, I'm often reading, writing, or playing video games. I am obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural, Fox's Lucifer, and ruining my Sims' lives.

9 thoughts on “Jeremy Vanilla: Chapter 12

  1. Please tell me that if she doesn’t come back, he will move on and not continue to obsess over her.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So…he built that huge house?? Wow…but…doesn’t he have a phone? Why would he think she left him? I’m confused.


  3. The house is really lovely. I hope she will return


  4. Wow. That house is awesome! Great job! But dang…where the heck is she. I hope she is coming back. 😦 Poor Jeremy.

    Liked by 1 person

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